General Assembly 2024

GS1 General Assembly 2024

21-24 May | Rome

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Hosted by GS1 Italy, the GS1 General Assembly 2024 brings together the GS1 Management Board and leaders from GS1 Member Organisations worldwide. At this event, our GS1 leaders together with industry shape the future of GS1, make strategic decisions and monitor global performance. The General Assembly week provides an opportunity for the GS1 community to network and share best practices, enhancing the event's value. Join us!

Meet our speakers

Programme highlights

Programme highlights

Session replays are available for unrestricted access sessions:

Welcome and GS1 Italy industry plenary "The art of transforming tomorrow: a new Renaissance": Video

GS1 MO inspiration from the federation session: Video

An Italian Touch: Video

Closing plenary : Video


Photos from the GA week are available now!

Relive the excitement of GS1 General Assembly 2024 by exploring our photo gallery, capturing the highlights and memorable moments from an unforgettable week. Feel free to download a few of your favourite photos as a personal keepsake.

See the photo gallery



Discover Rome

Discover Rome's timeless charm and cultural vibrance—experience the heart of history. Home to the iconic Colosseum, the Roman Forum and St. Peter's Basilica within the Vatican City, Rome unfolds as a living testament to human achievement through the ages.

Watch and be fascinated!

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